The Bichoodle or also known as a Poochon are a hypoallergenic breed of dog, they are Fluffy, smart, and friendly, this lovely designer dog makes for a perfect family pet. Also known as a Bichipoo or Bichon Poodle, the Poochon is a mix between a Bichon Frise and a Toy Poodle. They are small but sturdy stature and highly intelligent and eager to please, which makes them easy to train. New dog owners should definitely consider this breed, as they’re very beginner-friendly. Poochons make an ideal first dog to bring into any home and one guaranteed to make you a dog lover for life.
The Poochon is stands out as a breed with their great personality and absolutely adorable appearance. So is the Poochon the dog that you’ve been searching for and needs to become part of your family?
Call 07 3808 2880 during Business Hours or Call 0408985133 if calling after hours to pay so you don’t miss out.